Volunteer at HCS!

There are many ways to volunteer at HCS! We gratefully accept volunteers for Meals on Wheels deliveries, Hospice visitation at home and in facilities, Bereavement and Caregiver support groups, administrative functions, and during special events like the annual Butterfly Release and Poinsettia sale. Volunteers must complete a background check and participate in orientation before volunteering.

If you are interested in volunteering at HCS, reach out to us at: events@hcsservices.org and let us know how you would like to help out!

Hospice at HCS

Hospice Volunteers

Volunteers at Hospice at HCS are key members of the Hospice team and work in conjunction with hospice nurses, social workers, and spiritual counselors. Volunteers are supervised by our Volunteer Coordinator.

The volunteer’s role as part of the hospice team is an important one. They give freely of their time to be with the patient and family to provide respite for caregivers, emotional support, a listening ear, as well as run errands if needed.

Volunteers for Hospice

Hospice Volunteer Training Programs

All volunteers participate in a 18-hour training program to assist in understanding the concerns and feelings patients and families experience during the hospice journey. Volunteer trainings are generally held in three hour sessions over seven weeks in the spring and fall.

Hospice training is offered at no charge. Class size is limited and pre-registration is required. Contact Lorraine Bishop at 603-352-2253 or by email at lbishop@HCSservices.org.

Upcoming Training


Lorraine Bishop
Lorraine BishopHospice Volunteer Coordinator

Hospice at HCS Volunteer Coordinator

Lorraine Bishop began working with Hospice in 1992 as Volunteer and Bereavement Coordinator in the Peterborough area. She then became Hospice Volunteer Coordinator for the entire HCS area in 2002. 

Lorraine especially enjoys meeting, training, and working with the wonderful hospice volunteers who offer comfort and support to countless hospice patients and their families.