Share a ride… and help everyone get where they need to go!
Home Healthcare, Hospice, and Community Services (HCS) provides shared ride transportation to medical facilities.
VA Medical Center at White River Junction, VT
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, NH
Need a ride to a medical appointment in Keene? Reserve a spot on the Friendly Bus!
Who can ride?
Transportation is available to those needing rides to medical appointments. Priority is given to those over age 60, veterans, and individuals with disabilities.
Rides for priority groups will be scheduled on a first come, first serve basis. Others with a medical appointment may ride on a space available basis.
Children under 18 must have a parent or legal guardian accompanying them. Family members or friends may accompany to assist.
Call 603-352-8494
If for any reason you need to cancel your ride, please let us know as soon as possible so that someone else can be accommodated.
Rider Notes
- The Medical Express is fully accessible and appropriately equipped.
- Service animals are allowed. Please tell the dispatcher that you have a service animal accompanying you.
- Passengers who need oxygen may carry a portable system on board. If using a tank, the size of a tank is limited to what the passenger can carry onto the van.
Medical Van Etiquette
- Passengers who have undergone a procedure involving anesthesia must be accompanied by a responsible escort.
- No smoking in the vehicle.
- Beverages are allowed in travel mugs or closed containers.
Weather Information
- For everyone’s safety, medical transportation will not run in inclement weather. Announcements will be aired on local radio stations, or call 603-352-8494 for updated information.

Medical transportation trips are funded in
part by the New Hampshire
Department of Transportation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Call the HCS Transportation Office at 603-352-8494 to schedule your ride. The office is open from 8:00am to 4:30pm, Monday through Friday. HCS Medical Transportation is available on Wednesdays.
- You must call to reserve your seat by 2:00pm on Tuesday.
- Trips may be reserved two weeks in advance. Riders will be called with a pick-up time on Tuesday.
- If you need to cancel, please let us know as soon as possible.
- Please remember that the bus is scheduled to depart for Keene by 2:30pm. Please make your appointments so that you will be ready to return with us.
Reservation Line
HCS Transportation Office 603-352-8494
Medical Transportation departs from the HCS office at 312 Marlboro Street in Keene. If necessary, riders can be picked up at their home in Keene. Riders from outlying communities are requested to meet the bus at the HCS office. Ample parking is available if riders choose to park and ride. Pick-ups can also be made along the route.
Medical transportation is available every Wednesday. Medical transportation is a shared ride service and departure times may vary to coincide with the first appointment.
For everyone’s convenience, please make appointments between 9:00am and 1:00pm.
- 8:00am Prompt departure from HCS at 312 Marlboro Street in Keene
- 10:00am *Arrival at VA Medical Center in White River Junction
- 10:30am *Arrival at Dartmouth—Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon
- 2:30pm Prompt departure from Dartmouth—Hitchcock for return trip
- 2:45pm Prompt departure from VA Medical Center
- 4:30pm *Arrival at 312 Marlboro Street in Keene
If you are not able to return at 2:30pm, please make arrangements for alternative transportation to your home.
*Arrival times are approximate.
The vehicle is fully accessible for up to 11 passengers. Wheelchairs can be accommodated depending on their size. The ambulatory seating available varies according to the number of mobility devices on the trip.
A donation of $20.00 is suggested for the round trip to help defray the cost. No one will be refused medical transportation due to inability to donate.
Transportation is also available Monday through Friday to
- The VA Outpatient Clinic at 640 Marlboro Street in Keene
- To all Dartmouth-Hitchcock medical facilities in Keene.
Call HCS Transportation at 603-352-8494 for route and schedule information for the Friendly Bus for seniors (60+) and the City Express, Keene’s Bus for Everyone.
Transportation is available to those needing rides to medical appointments. Priority is given to those over age 60, veterans, and individuals with disabilities.
Rides for priority groups will be scheduled on a first come, first serve basis. Others with a medical appointment may ride on a space available basis.
Children under 18 must have a parent or legal guardian accompanying them. Family members or friends may accompany to assist.
HCS Transportation Programs
Home Healthcare, Hospice & Community Services operates transportation services
in Keene, NH and periodically in surrounding communities.