Meals on Wheels

Every day, HCS Meals on Wheels drivers deliver to more than 400 seniors in Cheshire County.

This program is much more than a meal to these homebound older adults and individuals with disabilities. For many, the friendly, smiling Meals on Wheels driver provides a welcome bit of conversation to brighten the day.  And with this comes peace of mind and a sense of safety in having a daily “check-in.”

Meals on Wheels deliveries can help folks stay independent at home by providing good nutrition that is brought to their home – a mobile food pantry, of sorts, or to fill a need for a short period of time after a hospitalization.  For those with special needs, breakfast bags, weekend meals, and special diets are also available.

Meals on Wheels are currently served in Richmond, Chesterfield, Fitzwilliam, Gilsum, Hinsdale, Jaffrey, Keene, Marlborough, Rindge, Sullivan, Surry, Swanzey, Troy, Westmoreland, and Winchester.

Requests in other Cheshire County towns are considered on a case by case basis. Please call (603) 352-2253 for availability.
