Friendly Meals at HCS provides an opportunity to enjoy a noontime meal, enjoy time with longtime friends, and meet new people.
Keene Senior Center
Every Monday – Friday at noon
312 Marlboro Street
Reservations are needed two days prior to the meal by calling Gia at 603-352-2253. Diners do not need to be Senior Center members. Friendly Bus transportation in Keene is available to the meal. Please call 603-352-8494 for bus reservations.
United Church of Jaffrey
Every Wednesday at 11:30 a.m.
54 Main Street, Jaffrey
Reservations are needed by 9:00 a.m. the Monday prior to the meal by calling Kathleen at 603-242-7986.
Come Join Us!
The Friendly Meals at HCS is a community dining program open to all area residents age 60+. Spouses are welcome to come to Friendly Meals, even if they are under age 60.
Friendly Meals are available at no cost, but a donation of $5 per meal is appreciated to help us offset the cost of providing the meals.
The Friendly Bus is available to provide transportation to the Senior Center dining location in Keene. Call the Transportation Office at (603) 352-8494 for more information.