Grief and the Holidays During Covid-19 Pandemic Support Group (via ZOOM)
November 4, 2020 @ 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
The holiday season is often a very difficult time for those who have experienced the death of a loved one. Sadness, loneliness and anxiety intensify with the anticipation of seasonal gatherings, holiday music, decorations, advertising and shopping. This year, changes related to the pandemic will add to the stress of grief and loss, e.g., wearing masks, social-distancing. The intention of this virtual group is to provide support and strategies to cope with this holiday season.
HCS is offering 5 biweekly adult grief discussion groups. Pre-registration is required.
Dates: Wednesdays, Oct. 21, Nov. 4 and 18, Dec. 2 and 16.
To register: Contact Marguerite Cheney, Hospice Bereavement Coordinator, at 603-352-2253, ext. 4255 or email at: mcheney@www.hcsservices.org. After registering, a ZOOM link will be sent to you.