Ride for Resilience
In partnership with NH’s network of Family Resources Centers, The New Hampshire Children’s Trust’s 2nd Annual 100-mile, charity Ride for Resilience is set for launch Oct. 14, 2022!
Healthy Starts Program Manager Penny Vaine and her cycling companion, Rainna Baker, and other hearty riders will be cycling from Keene to Vernon Family Farms in Newfields, NH, to raise awareness of family strengthening protective factors that ensure all Granite State kids have safe, stable, and nurturing environment.
“Training for this bike ride is like parenting… its so much work, it’s a challenge most of the time, and yet fills me with joy too! This bike ride is about raising awareness of all the magnificent work family resource centers are doing not only for our HCS community, but across the State”. Penny “the Ryder” Vaine says.
Founded by father, mentor, and Children’s Trust Board Member Mark Knights, the Ride for Resilience physically connects critical family strengthening programs and services that all Granite State parents, caregivers, and families need to build resiliency.
Founded by father, mentor, and Children’s Trust Board Member Mark Knights, the Ride for Resilience physically connects critical family strengthening programs and services that all Granite State parents, caregivers, and families need to build resiliency.
To promote YOUR Family Resource Center at HCS, Healthy Starts will be the STARTING LINE for this 2022 Ride for Resilience. Join us at 6:30 am (that’s Early!!) on Friday October 14 and cheer us on our way!
Riders will then head east, making stops at the River Center in Peterborough and the Upper Room in Derry. The ride will conclude at Vernon Family Farms in Newfields, for food, music, and celebration. During their breaks throughout the day, riders will be stopping at the FRCs to take a tour and say thank you to the family service providers that spend their days working to strengthen New Hampshire families and prevent child abuse throughout the state!
“We know that when parents and caregivers have what they need,” say Cliff Simmonds, Children’s Trust executive director, “children and families are strong. And when New Hampshire families are strong, incidence of child abuse and neglect plummet.”
You too can play a role in preventing child abuse and neglect by supporting this year’s riders and helping us raise awareness about all the work being done at the Family Resource Centers.
Click https://www.pledgereg.com/ride-for-resilience to meet the riders and show your support!